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Microsoft aggiorna tutte le versioni di Windows

giu 14, 2017

Patch Tuesday di Giugno completo per i Sistemi operativi Microsoft, con aggiornamenti di sicurezza per tutte le versioni.

Nella giornata di ieri, sono stati rilasciati aggiornamenti cumulativi per Windows 10 e Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 8.1 e Windows 7 SP1, ma anche patch straordinarie per la sicurezza dei due Sistemi non più supportati (ufficialmente), Windows Vista e Windows XP, a protezione dei recenti attacchi malware su scala globale.
Windows 10 riceve l'Update cumulativo KB4022725 che porta il Sistema alla Build 15063.413, senza nuove funzionalità ma con correzioni e miglioramenti sotto la scocca.

Windows 10 Mobile arriva alla Build 15063.414, con le medesime correzioni per la versione desktop.

Changelog ufficiale Build 15063.413 e Build 15063.414

  • Addressed issue where the user may need to press the space bar to dismiss the lock screen on a Windows 10 machine to log in, even after the logon is authenticated using a companion device.
  • Addressed issue with slow firewall operations that sometimes results in timeouts of Surface Hub’s cleanup operation. 
  • Addressed issue with a race condition that prevents Cortana cross-device notification reply from working; users will not be able to use the remote toast activation feature set.  
  • Addressed issue where the Privacy Separator feature of a Wireless Access Point does not block communication between wireless devices on local subnets. 
  • Addressed issue on the Surface Hub device where using ink may cause a break in the touch trace that could result in a break in inks from the pen. 
  • Addressed issue where Internet Explorer 11 may ignore the “Send all sites not included in the Enterprise Mode Site List to Microsoft Edge” policy when opening a Favorites link.
  • Addressed additional issues with time-zone information and Internet Explorer.
  •  Security updates to Windows kernel, Microsoft Windows PDF, Windows kernel-mode drivers, Microsoft Uniscribe, Device Guard, Internet Explorer, Windows Shell, and Microsoft Edge. For more information about the security vulnerabilities resolved, please refer to the Security Update Guide.

Windows 8.1 riceve il KB4022726 con correzioni minori e miglioramenti all'usabilità del Sistema, così come Windows 7 SP1, grazie al KB4022719.

Changelog ufficiale KB4022726  per Windows 8.1

  • Addressed issue where, after installing KB3170455 (MS16-087), users have difficulty importing printer drivers and get errors with error code 0x80070bcb.
  • Addressed a rare issue where mouse input can cease to function. The mouse pointer may continue to move, but movements and clicks produce no response other than a beeping noise.
  • Addressed issue where printing a document using a 32-bit application can crash a Print Server in a call to nt!MiGetVadWakeList.
  • Addressed issue where an unsupported hardware notification is shown and Windows Updates not scanning, for systems using the AMD Carrizo DDR4 processor or Windows Server 2012 R2 systems using Xeon E3V6 processor. For the affected system, follow the steps in the Additional Inofrmation section below to install this update.
  • Security updates to Microsoft Windows PDF, Windows shell, Windows Kernel, Microsoft Graphics Component, Microsoft Uniscribe, Microsoft Scripting Engine, Internet Explorer, Windows COM, and Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers. For more information about the security vulnerabilities resolved, please refer to the Security Update Guide.

Changelog ufficiale KB4022719 per Windows 7 SP1

  • Addressed issue where, after installing KB3164035, users cannot print enhanced metafiles (EMF) or documents containing bitmaps rendered out of bounds using the BitMapSection(DIBSection) function.
  • Addressed issue where updates were not correctly installing all components and would prevent them from booting.
  • Addressed issue where an unsupported hardware notification is shown and Windows Updates not scanning, for systems using the AMD Carrizo DDR4 processor. For the affected systems, follow the steps in the Additional Information section to install this update.
  • Security updates to Windows kernel, Microsoft Graphics Component, Microsoft Uniscribe, Windows kernel-mode drivers, the Windows OS, Windows COM, Internet Explorer and Windows Shell. For more information about the security vulnerabilities resolved, please refer to the Security Update Guide.
Definendole 'Patch una tantum' visto il termine del supporto ufficiale, Microsoft rende disponibili aggiornamenti straordinari per la sicurezza per Windows XP e Windows Vista, dopo i primi rilasciati appena scoppiato il caso mondiale del del ransomware WannaCry.

Al pari degli aggiornamenti per le versioni superiori, le patch possono essere installate scaricandole da Windows Update o manualmente dal catalogo Microsoft.
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