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Windows 10 si aggiorna e arriva alla Build 15063.447

giu 28, 2017

Nuovo Aggiornamento cumulativo per Windows 10 stabile che porta la versione 1703 alla Build 15063.447.

Secondo Aggiornamento cumulativo per Windows 10 desktop/tablet di questo mese di giugno, con tantissimi miglioramenti sotto la scossa, risoluzione di problemi e bug-fix specifici per alcune configurazioni software/hardware.

L'Aggiornamento ha la sigla KB4022716 e porta l'ultima versione di Windows 10 alla Build 15063.447.

La stessa Build è disponibile per i dispositivi Mobili che eseguono la versione 1703 di Windows 10 Mobile.

Windows 10 KB4022716, Build 15063.447 - Changelog Ufficiale

  • Addressed an issue introduced by KB4022725 where Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge printing from a frame may result in 404 not found or blank page printed.
  • Addressed issue where network printers may fail to install when using the printer vendor’s setup software on machines with less than 4 GB of RAM. These printers will install properly if you install using the Settings app or from Devices and Printers in Control Panel.
  • Addressed issue that causes high memory usage for the Camera app on mobile platforms, which reduces battery life. Any app that uses a media capture element (MCE) or media element (ME) and plays 1080p will consume a lot of power, which will significantly reduce battery life.
  • Addressed issue where, after updating to the Creators Update, devices that have Receive Segment Coalescing (RSC) enabled have significantly low wireless throughput.
  • Addressed issue (Error 0x7F) with Windows Forms (WinForms) that causes the system to crash after upgrading to the Creators Update.
  • Addressed issue that prevents users from connecting to the Terminal Services Gateway (TSG) running on Windows Server 2008 SP2 after upgrading to the Creators Update. As a result, users cannot access Remote Desktop Services or remote apps.
  • Addressed issue where, if you specify an auto-logon configuration in Unattend.xml, auto-logon only works on the first logon, but will not work again when the device is restarted.
  • Addressed issue where users cannot sign in with Face after upgrading to Windows 10 RS2.
  • Addressed issue where, after upgrading to Windows 10 RS2, modem dial-up fails with Error 633.
  • Addressed issue where the smartcard service (sccardsvr.exe) stops periodically and never restarts when the smart card application attempts to access the cards.
  • Addressed issue where, when a laptop connected to an ISCSI disk leaves the corporate network, an error may occur when it resumes if it does not connect to the VPN fast enough.
  • Addressed issue where a remote desktop connection with Windows 2016 RDS server fails authentication when using smartcards.
  • Addressed issue where Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Device Management (DM) uses the wrong interface to index the on-demand APN.
  • Addressed issue with a memory leak in the camera platform across all devices for PC (MIPI and USB cameras).
  • Addressed issue where, if the device lid close action was set to “Do Nothing”, closing and re-opening the lid causes all Universal Windows Platform apps to stop responding.
  • Addressed issue with failed login scenarios that occur because the device does not reconnect to the host PC.
  • Addressed issue where users must wait between 40 to 60 minutes after a print spooler restart before attempting to change any printer settings.
  • Addressed issue where the cursor type does not maintain the arrow shape when the user mouses over a select option in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue where searching for a string on a page that has many iframes causes Internet Explorer to stop working.
  • Addressed issue where Internet Explorer stops responding when a user clicks on an empty column header and then immediately holds down the SHIFT key and double clicks.
  • Addressed issue where the onhashchange event is not called when navigating hashed URLs in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue to improve pairing, connecting, synchronizing, and notifications experiences for a third-party wearable device.
  • Addressed issue to improve Bluetooth connectivity to wearable devices.
  • Addressed issue where the NewWindow3 event is not called in Internet Explorer.
  • Address issue with a memory leak that occurs when calling BluetoothGATTRegisterEvent() and BluetoothGATTUnregisterEvent() functions for an NFC card reader.
  • Addressed issue where a clear (x) button inside HTML text fields cannot be disabled using the ::ms-clear attribute when Document Modes are less than 10 in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Addressed issue where Internet Explorer 11 would fail to load HTML page after installing KB3021952.
  • Addressed issue where a Windows Phone experiences data loss (email, contact, SMS, etc.) caused by Unistore database corruption.
  • Addressed issue where guest VMs bound to a wireless NIC can lose network connectivity if the guest does not send an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packet in the fixed timeout window (5 minutes).
  • Addressed issue where certain elements (input or select) cannot be active targets of any action in Internet Explorer 11. This occurs after removing an iframe that contained a cursor inside certain elements (input or select) and then adding a new iframe.
  • Addressed issue with NVIDIA drivers that stop working (Error 0x9f) when the system goes to sleep. This also causes a shutdown of Microsoft Surface Hubs.
  • Addressed issue to improve Remote Desktop Protocol connections to an RD Gateway configured for RPC over HTTP.
  • Addressed issue with non-UWP applications calling into Windows.Devices.Bluetooth API’s to register callbacks or Async operations.
  • Addressed issue with an NFC driver that becomes non-functional because of improperly tracked timer handles.
  • Addressed issue with Centennial apps that fail if they try to use the Payment Request API.
  • Addressed issue where the Disk Cleanup and the Storage Settings tool remove files from system32 when file paths exceed the MAX_PATH size; as a result, the machine cannot be booted.
  • Addressed issue to set the default cellular data roaming setting to “Don’t roam” when upgrading to Windows 10 Version 1703.
  • Addressed issue that lead to the loss of functionality on certain third-party network adapters after upgrading to Windows 10 Version 1703.

Come aggiornare Windows 10 alla Build 15063.447

Come sempre, per non attendere l'installazione automatica: Start > Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e sicurezza > Windows Update > Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti > Download > Riavvio (al termine del download).

Inoltre, potete provvedere ad aggiornare manualmente da Microsoft Update Catalog.

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