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Xbox personalizzate messe all'asta da Microsoft per beneficenza | Video

set 20, 2018

Console for Kids è la nuova iniziativa 2018 di Microsoft con la messa all'asta di console Xbox One personalizzate da celebrità.

La divisione Xbox di Microsoft, in collaborazione con Make-A-Wish, mette all'asta console Xbox personalizzate da firme e progetti di associazioni e celebrità di livello mondiale, appartenenti a diversi settori, dallo sport allo spettacolo e a grandi marchi gaming.

Ecco l'elenco delle Console Xbox personalizzate e messe all'asta per beneficenza, il cui ricavato andrà interamente all'associazione Onlus.

Sports and Entertainment

Caleb McLaughlin – Caleb is all about self-motivation and believing in yourself, this console is inspired by his motto #beyourbiggestfan.
Carmelo Anthony – What’s better than a signed console by Melo himself? A signed console AND signed pair of sneakers 😉
Charlie Puth– ATTENTION: How long can you resist this signed console by singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Charlie Puth?
Dwayne Johnson & Emily Blunt– You can’t get any more solid than this custom Jungle Cruise Xbox One X signed by The Rock and Emily!
Justine Ezarik (iJustine) – Justine is all about expressing herself in the tech space in creative and unique ways, she hopes this custom console will inspire others to get creative!
Jack Black – This console is inspired by Jack Black’s passion for live music performances…whether shredding on guitar, blazing a high pitched vocal or blowing a classic sax solo…JB always gives it 💯
Ludacris – Our most Ludacris Xbox One X console yet – signed by the man himself.
Liverpool F.C. – “You’ll never walk alone” with this exclusive Liverpool FC Xbox One X console and copy of PES 2019.
Ninja & Marshmello – It’s a bird, it’s a plane it’s a…Fortnite glider?! Streaming legends Ninja and Marshmello teamed up to sign this all-things Fortnite custom console signed with love, (X_X) and celebrating their E3 2018 Pro Am victory!
Post Malone – This console is inspired by Post Malone’s epic and inspirational performances from all around the world!
Prince Royce – This console is fit for a Prince (or Princess), inspired by Prince Royce’s iconic sound and style!
Ronda Rousey – Feel like a champion with this WWE Superstar’s one of a kind console!
SMOSH – America’s most popular comedy YouTube channel partners with Xbox to bring you this custom signed Xbox One X.
Usain Bolt – The fastest man and the most powerful console in the world come together for one gold-featured, signed console.
Wiz Khalifa – Show your true colors by adding our dopest Xbox One X to your collection, signed by Wiz!

Game Development Teams

Battlefield V – Join the action on the front lines in Battlefield V with this custom Xbox One X console, signed by the team at DICE in Sweden.
Fallout 76 – Signed by Todd Howard at Bethesda, this console features a tricentennial artwork befitting the brave pioneers of Vault 76.
Halo – Join the Master Chief on his quest to save humanity with this Xbox One X console, signed and designed by the team at 343 Industries.
Minecraft – Enjoy this Limited Edition Xbox One S console in all of its blocky goodness, signed by the team at Mojang.
Rocket League – Go for the goal and celebrate more than three years of Rocket League with this unique Xbox One X, signed by the team at Psyonix!

Se volete partecipare, dando il vostro contributo per una giusta causa ed aiutare bambini in difficoltà, provando anche a portarvi a casa uno degli hardware esclusivi Xbox One personalizzati, recatevi a questo indirizzo entro il prossimo 3 ottobre 2018.
Via: MSPoweruser - Fonte: Microsoft
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